Thursday, 15 November 2012

My Life ATM: 15/11/2012

Sorry about depriving my blog of actual content, thing is that in my life at the moment I dont have a whole lot of free time, and if I do, I am usually either doing coursework or studying.

I guess I can write a little bit of a journal here now but yeah, what recent in my life.

Im guessing the majority of you know that I'm not in a very good situation at the moment, I sleep on a sofa, not a bed, I dont have an actual room and I use my PC in the living room alongside other people.

This makes making YouTube videos very hard, which is what I love to do, however, whenever the flats empty and I have some freedom, I usually jump on the opportunity to record videos, its usually one day a week and I typically look forward to those days.

My Minecraft Lets Play series has had some success recently, Episode 4 not so much but hopefully I can rekindle the light, however my YouTube channel will probably have a bit of inactivity because I'm due to get out of that situation I just spoke about.

Today, a deposit has been put down onto a house and we should move within the next 2-3 weeks if all goes right, its quite a decent house, my rooms not to big, but at least I will have a room, somewhere to relax and somewhere to record, and also somewhere we can get fully connected to the internet again meaning I can be reconnected with you guys. I'll have Skype back, Steam back and I can actually watch YouTube videos again, I'm looking very forward to it.  So the inactivity for a few weeks on YouTube and this blog will be worth it because when I'm back, I'll have more variety, because then I can play Multiplayer games.

I'm stressing myself out immensely at the moment because I need to achieve Merit criteria or above in absolutely everything in order to go to University next year, which I really need to do, in order to succeed in future life, and its worrying me. Hopefully, Once I have my own room, I will study better because I'll have my own space, so hopefully some of my college stress will lift up a bit, I'm working in the majority of the free time I have recently, even going on my girlfriend's laptop in order to study

Computer Upgrade
Too much of a lack of funds to actually have a decent computer upgrade, maybe a bit more of an upgrade closer to Christmas though. However, I've been saving and piecing together any change I've had and been dropping it into my bank account, and last weekend, I amounted enough to afford to order 4GB of RAM for my computer, so I did, and its arrived, I just need to go pick it up from my Girlfriends when I can, which will most likely be tomorrow, seeing as it arrived today, but obviously, Today I've been busy, looking at that house and running around, as well as College work.

Game Development
This is another thing that has been filling in my free time recently, as well as stressing me out too.
I want to hopefully become a Games Developer in the future, however looking at programming languages, it looks very dawnting. However, I've been researching, looking up Jargon and researching indie games.

Today I learnt what an IDE was, which I did wonder. I decided to look into using Flixel in order to make games, downloaded FlashDevelop too, I need to download Flex SDK tomorrow at college and then port it to my computer via a USB stick so that I can hopefully practice making games with Flixel.

I think I may put my Game Development at-home education on hold a bit to concentrate on being less stressed with college, being less stressed with my living arrangement and generally leaving it till I am comfortable with College, comfortable at Home, healthier and generally a happier person, and hopefully then I will learn better, however, obviously I dont want to leave it too late.

It's been tempting to look into Games Design instead of Development but I'm not too good of an artist, but I could write a mean storyline, however, I've said I wanted to be a developer all the way through high school, and I suppose I am more likely to actually make a career out of it, hmm, wish I had some sort of help.

I am wrapping up this blog post here, thanks for reading guys! Got a bit off my chest, thanks for reading, and if any of you do, thanks for caring. I love every single one of you guys, thanks for the support. Ciao.

Minecraft | EP 4 - Discovery

Minecraft | EP 3 - Exploration

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Minecraft | EP 1 - Humble Beginnings.

Kicked off a standard vanilla survival-based Minecraft Lets Play, just a series that I can experiment with, drop assets into whenever I want, record what I feel like it and also to see what adventures I will go on and where the series itself will take me.

I don't expect any rise to instant fame from doing this, but i'll find it fun to produce, I wonder how long the series will last.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Minecraft Themed YouTube Backgrounds for all!

No watermarks either, oh sweet jesus ;)  Don't be ripping me off and claiming that you've made them guys :c

It's not obligated you do so but it'd be awesome if you could show thanks by perhaps adding me to your other channels section? :3

I created an imgur album with all of them in, so if you want to use any of these, check that out;

Thursday, 1 November 2012

An Uneventful Day as Me

So I woke up with the motive of planning to start work on self-educating myself in C++, didn't get too deep into it but I've found a decent resource for a starter tutorial which is handy, may blog a little about it seeing as its a Geek-Related blog and its sort of a resource of things that interest me so its only right!

Anyway, I got a bit tiresome and restless so I decided to pop into town, which is about half a mile walk from where I'm living at the moment, so not too much hassle  but yeah! Got quite restless with being unorganised so I decided to head on down and pick myself up a set of little plastic draws to put pens & USB sticks in etc.

I sort of went window shopping too, due to not having much money, all I can do is touch at the moment!

This wasn't exactly something I wanted to buy, but I took a photo of this hoping to tweet it with the caption 'Kill me now.', however my Blackberry isn't very reliable to tweeting pictures and its quite temperamental so thats another reason I'm making another one of those ever so rare blog posts.

I'm quite confused on why this even exists, I expected a One Direction version of it near by but I was disappointed, they only had advent calendars where I could eat chocolate from where Harry Styles's crotch should be. but what can I expect from a 99p store?

Quite a severe WANT from me right atm.

A decent graphics card, not just this one in particular, but this one is 2GB and is only £100.

Its second hand so of course I'm paranoid that it is probably broken in some way but still I'd probably pick it up if I had the money, however, I know nothing about graphics card's and I doubt I could just plonk this into my computer, for one, do not quote me on this but I'm pretty sure you cant put a graphics card into any old PC, however, I need to upgrade to my PC's full capacity of 8GB of RAM instead of 3 when I can spare the £60.

I walked past a mobile calendar stall that was set up in the middle of the shopping centre! I spotted this, which is quite ironic, but still, this is awesome and I love the gimmick, I'd love this to be a feature in my room when I finally move.

Every month comes with a scene where you find Wally, how unexpected..  Me, Sarcastic? Never.

Anyway, it was only £5.99 which is quite cheap for something like that and would be awesome to put up in my bedroom when I have one.

When I got home, I decided to clean out my computer for the first time, which is surprising for me, seeing as I'm an IT student.

I cleaned out the fan over the processor, the general fan, the huge collection of dust underneath the cascade of wires and generally around the RAM.

I had a look at the RAM seeing as I hope to upgrade that section of my PC soon, I have one 2GB stick and one 1GB stick, so I need to price up 3 other 2GB sticks online, probably from Crucial.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the very uneventful day I had, alongside the pointless pictures I took too!
These are the several things I would buy if I had money! Mainly the PC upgrades, shh.. I'm a poor geek.

Keep Calm and Carry On / Keep Calm and Holy Shit

I made a poster, check it.