Thursday, 15 November 2012

My Life ATM: 15/11/2012

Sorry about depriving my blog of actual content, thing is that in my life at the moment I dont have a whole lot of free time, and if I do, I am usually either doing coursework or studying.

I guess I can write a little bit of a journal here now but yeah, what recent in my life.

Im guessing the majority of you know that I'm not in a very good situation at the moment, I sleep on a sofa, not a bed, I dont have an actual room and I use my PC in the living room alongside other people.

This makes making YouTube videos very hard, which is what I love to do, however, whenever the flats empty and I have some freedom, I usually jump on the opportunity to record videos, its usually one day a week and I typically look forward to those days.

My Minecraft Lets Play series has had some success recently, Episode 4 not so much but hopefully I can rekindle the light, however my YouTube channel will probably have a bit of inactivity because I'm due to get out of that situation I just spoke about.

Today, a deposit has been put down onto a house and we should move within the next 2-3 weeks if all goes right, its quite a decent house, my rooms not to big, but at least I will have a room, somewhere to relax and somewhere to record, and also somewhere we can get fully connected to the internet again meaning I can be reconnected with you guys. I'll have Skype back, Steam back and I can actually watch YouTube videos again, I'm looking very forward to it.  So the inactivity for a few weeks on YouTube and this blog will be worth it because when I'm back, I'll have more variety, because then I can play Multiplayer games.

I'm stressing myself out immensely at the moment because I need to achieve Merit criteria or above in absolutely everything in order to go to University next year, which I really need to do, in order to succeed in future life, and its worrying me. Hopefully, Once I have my own room, I will study better because I'll have my own space, so hopefully some of my college stress will lift up a bit, I'm working in the majority of the free time I have recently, even going on my girlfriend's laptop in order to study

Computer Upgrade
Too much of a lack of funds to actually have a decent computer upgrade, maybe a bit more of an upgrade closer to Christmas though. However, I've been saving and piecing together any change I've had and been dropping it into my bank account, and last weekend, I amounted enough to afford to order 4GB of RAM for my computer, so I did, and its arrived, I just need to go pick it up from my Girlfriends when I can, which will most likely be tomorrow, seeing as it arrived today, but obviously, Today I've been busy, looking at that house and running around, as well as College work.

Game Development
This is another thing that has been filling in my free time recently, as well as stressing me out too.
I want to hopefully become a Games Developer in the future, however looking at programming languages, it looks very dawnting. However, I've been researching, looking up Jargon and researching indie games.

Today I learnt what an IDE was, which I did wonder. I decided to look into using Flixel in order to make games, downloaded FlashDevelop too, I need to download Flex SDK tomorrow at college and then port it to my computer via a USB stick so that I can hopefully practice making games with Flixel.

I think I may put my Game Development at-home education on hold a bit to concentrate on being less stressed with college, being less stressed with my living arrangement and generally leaving it till I am comfortable with College, comfortable at Home, healthier and generally a happier person, and hopefully then I will learn better, however, obviously I dont want to leave it too late.

It's been tempting to look into Games Design instead of Development but I'm not too good of an artist, but I could write a mean storyline, however, I've said I wanted to be a developer all the way through high school, and I suppose I am more likely to actually make a career out of it, hmm, wish I had some sort of help.

I am wrapping up this blog post here, thanks for reading guys! Got a bit off my chest, thanks for reading, and if any of you do, thanks for caring. I love every single one of you guys, thanks for the support. Ciao.

Minecraft | EP 4 - Discovery

Minecraft | EP 3 - Exploration

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Minecraft | EP 1 - Humble Beginnings.

Kicked off a standard vanilla survival-based Minecraft Lets Play, just a series that I can experiment with, drop assets into whenever I want, record what I feel like it and also to see what adventures I will go on and where the series itself will take me.

I don't expect any rise to instant fame from doing this, but i'll find it fun to produce, I wonder how long the series will last.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Minecraft Themed YouTube Backgrounds for all!

No watermarks either, oh sweet jesus ;)  Don't be ripping me off and claiming that you've made them guys :c

It's not obligated you do so but it'd be awesome if you could show thanks by perhaps adding me to your other channels section? :3

I created an imgur album with all of them in, so if you want to use any of these, check that out;

Thursday, 1 November 2012

An Uneventful Day as Me

So I woke up with the motive of planning to start work on self-educating myself in C++, didn't get too deep into it but I've found a decent resource for a starter tutorial which is handy, may blog a little about it seeing as its a Geek-Related blog and its sort of a resource of things that interest me so its only right!

Anyway, I got a bit tiresome and restless so I decided to pop into town, which is about half a mile walk from where I'm living at the moment, so not too much hassle  but yeah! Got quite restless with being unorganised so I decided to head on down and pick myself up a set of little plastic draws to put pens & USB sticks in etc.

I sort of went window shopping too, due to not having much money, all I can do is touch at the moment!

This wasn't exactly something I wanted to buy, but I took a photo of this hoping to tweet it with the caption 'Kill me now.', however my Blackberry isn't very reliable to tweeting pictures and its quite temperamental so thats another reason I'm making another one of those ever so rare blog posts.

I'm quite confused on why this even exists, I expected a One Direction version of it near by but I was disappointed, they only had advent calendars where I could eat chocolate from where Harry Styles's crotch should be. but what can I expect from a 99p store?

Quite a severe WANT from me right atm.

A decent graphics card, not just this one in particular, but this one is 2GB and is only £100.

Its second hand so of course I'm paranoid that it is probably broken in some way but still I'd probably pick it up if I had the money, however, I know nothing about graphics card's and I doubt I could just plonk this into my computer, for one, do not quote me on this but I'm pretty sure you cant put a graphics card into any old PC, however, I need to upgrade to my PC's full capacity of 8GB of RAM instead of 3 when I can spare the £60.

I walked past a mobile calendar stall that was set up in the middle of the shopping centre! I spotted this, which is quite ironic, but still, this is awesome and I love the gimmick, I'd love this to be a feature in my room when I finally move.

Every month comes with a scene where you find Wally, how unexpected..  Me, Sarcastic? Never.

Anyway, it was only £5.99 which is quite cheap for something like that and would be awesome to put up in my bedroom when I have one.

When I got home, I decided to clean out my computer for the first time, which is surprising for me, seeing as I'm an IT student.

I cleaned out the fan over the processor, the general fan, the huge collection of dust underneath the cascade of wires and generally around the RAM.

I had a look at the RAM seeing as I hope to upgrade that section of my PC soon, I have one 2GB stick and one 1GB stick, so I need to price up 3 other 2GB sticks online, probably from Crucial.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the very uneventful day I had, alongside the pointless pictures I took too!
These are the several things I would buy if I had money! Mainly the PC upgrades, shh.. I'm a poor geek.

Keep Calm and Carry On / Keep Calm and Holy Shit

I made a poster, check it.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Gunter Inbound!

I think Jessica Biel's finally onto us

How long has this joke been circulating? Years.
And it seems that Jessica Biel's had enough! So she's tweeted out this bit of banter.

I still think she should do it though.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Lack of Activity

My apologies for the sudden lack of any activity over my blog and YouTube channel, i've just not been up to doing anything productive for the past two weeks, a mixture of stress, tiredness and flu.

Not sure when I'm going to be up to making more videos, but hopefully soon I guess?

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Adapting a look

Currently trying to adapt myself to a look on my YouTube channel, a persona, which I wish to be a Batchu.

This is the original picture.

I find things like this awesome and it'd be awesome to displayed like this via thumbnails aswell as if anyone was to design my backgrounds/avatars in the future.

So check out my minimalistic channel background in action utilizing a slightly edited version of Batchu.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Minecraft Hardcore - #1

Kicked off a new Minecraft series! This time dabbling in the Hardcore mode, If this series gains enough support, I'll continue it, however, im also considering starting a Tekkit series.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Garry's Mod Adventures - #1

First in the series of hopefully many Garry's Mod videos on my channel!
Wont be able to even think about recording more of this series until I get my full internet connection back, which may be a while indeed!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Seth Macfarlane loses it.. Loses the microphone that is.

Seth Macfarlane messes up at the Emmy's 2012 but manages to pull it back by laughing at himself and doing a gag in a Stewie voice.

Half Life & Black Mesa Source

I've been reading through some of my favorite Geek-related journalism websites today.
My favourite of which is the brilliant RockPaperShotgun.

I've been reading upon the topic of Black Mesa Source, the brilliant user-created mod that recreates the original classic that was Half Life 1, which kickstarted the brilliant Half Life series, If you wish to look at the post, you may click here.

I have a slightly bias opinion when talking about the Half Life series, as I am sort of a self-admitted fanboy of everything Valve.
But who can blame me? They do make brilliant games; The Portal Series, The Half Life Series (with all its mod-tastic glory),
Counterstrike: Source and Team Fortress 2.

Unfortunately, I actually havent had change to try this new mod yet, I've actually been following its development for perhaps the past 2-3 years.
Reason being is that I dont really have a Internet connection, Im running off a Mobile Internet connection, and its not too good for downloading.

However, I just wanted to blog about the Original classic itself, and perhaps even its sequels. Half Life was and still remains a brilliant game, by that,
I mean the original, I remember playing it as a child, unfortunately, not on PC, however on the Playstation 2, when it first released, my uncle had purchased a copy and I find it strange how it still turns out I have been attached to the series since then.

I literally remember sitting there on my bed, staring at the tv, and then suddenly, HEADCRAB! and I was so confused, what was this little creature jumping towards me, and why was it so tempting to smash it up with a crowbar, and as that little spark hit my brain, I did smash it, I then continued to crowbar smash the headcrab's for another decade.

It was simply devised, but the story itself was complex, it could be a pick up and play through and then never touch it again if you dont read into the story, but if you do, its interesting, theres a hunger to play its sequel or its spin offs, like Opposing Force and Blue Shift.

I am not entirely sure how valid my opinion on anything Valve-related is, due to the clearly present fanboyism. However, for anyone who hasnt played these games yet, just spare a few hours in one of your days and go and play Half Life 1, thats of course, if graphics dont effect your enjoyment, the game is outdated graphically, you could always pick up a copy of Half Life 2 on Steam & then you could get 2 for 1, by downloading the Black Mesa Source mod for Half Life 2, so you get two games for the price of one in the way, as the Black Mesa Source storyline is a purpose replication of the Half Life 1 storyline!

I hope my rambling's kept you occupied.
For anyone that is a active steam user, i'd silently nudge you in the directly of this link.

Graphical Overhaul for my Blog

Hey guys,
Hope you enjoy the blogs new look, and completely new style!
Had a complete graphical overhaul and wanted to tidy it up a bit.
Also aiming to make my blog seem a little more professional,
So I hope you look forward to some high quality Geek Culture Journalism,
being provided directly from me to you!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Limbo - #2

Limbo - #1

Whats this series about? This is going to be me playing through the video game 'Limbo'. However, none of the episodes will contain commentary, this game is a strange one. Its completely up to you if you decide to like or hate this series. I just feel like uploading it, without commentary.

Friday, 20 July 2012


To any regular blog readers, you have probably heard me talk about Arran (Impossibrew) through my YouTube videos or just via blog posts, im guessing ive mentioned him.

Anyway, hes sorted his channel out now and I want you to help him grow.
Not like a suitable source of helping people out, im hopeless myself.

But still, if you spare some time, check him out:

Team Fortress Fridays - My Inspirations as YouTuber - Episode 1

Portal - #6

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Happy Wheels - OUT OF CONTROL!?


I spent like 3 hours rendering out the first episode of mine and arrans HL2 co-op lets play, turns out i wasnt pleased with the end result when i ended up uploading it, only like 12 hours after upload do i actually get around to watching it myself, anyway, not too pleased so i deleted it..

Anyway, i have a Happy Wheels video i can embed on my blog, so expect that up soon.
We are reshooting the HL2 Co-Op series tommorrow.

Back to Blogging

Sorry I dont use my blog very often.
I still havent even gotten around to the Warped Network stuff.
My Blue Yeti Microphone has arrived, still working out a few of the glitches in it.
However, I am now uploading again, all future videos will be embedded in to my blog :D

Friday, 15 June 2012

Modern Warfare 3 - Live Commentary of First 1v1 on Aground - Face Off playlists live for PS3!

Havent recorded any MW3 for quite a while, and i popped on today and noticed that the Face Off playlists are now available for us, alongside 2 free maps, i currently dont own the other maps and i dont have the money to afford Call of Duty: Elite, and i doubt anyone will let me get the map packs off them, which would be quite cool. But anyway, recorded a live commentary of the first 1v1 i did on the free map, Aground.

Thursday, 14 June 2012



I currently have a network in development.
We'll be a network producing online video entertainment.

The main channel has been made and is currently being organised and having things sorted out to be uploaded, we are aiming to be organised, so it takes a lot of planning.  I also need to jot up a paragraph to send to potential directors, i have no idea what to write.

We have also hit 1000 hits on my blog today, so thats just awesome.

First sister channel in our network is WarpedNightcore.

Spent the day producing several nightcore videos to upload to that channel.
They are easily produced and its an interesting genre of music to contribute too.

The main channel will soon beginning to be organised, im also going to be setting up a separate channel for clips with short snappy commentary on, which will be presented in a similar style in the many Top 10 shots of the week shows, this'll comprise of very short videos, maybe sometimes merging 2-3 shots together in one video, as they are easily done in about the time span of 20 seconds, we'll do a similar thing to MrsBlackOps does i suppose.

Our official channel will include gaming news, our networks shows, which'll be quite a variety of Lets Play series and Walkthroughs, as well as Graphics/Gaming tutorials, and will also have Commentaries on from games like Battlefield 3 and the Call of Duty series.

James is also considering travelling quite a distance to go to a gaming convention in Brighton to try and get some coverage on a few things to provide to the network, if that happens, that would be so awesome.

Anyway, I, Greg will get to work tomorrow on providing some content to my own channel and potentially working on some documentation for the network tomorrow so we can get hiring with the directors.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Thoughts of a Gamer - 01/06/2012

To occupy my thoughts for tonight to just forget about all the horrible things that are going on my life at the moment, ill be sitting down and starting to re-watch Sherlock, my nan is treating me tommorrow to buying me Max Payne 3, i was questioning Skyrim for the PS3 or even perhaps Diablo, but i think, at the end of the day, Max Payne 3 may be a wise choice, and i just feel like trying to get out there more on YouTube, ive been playing around with audacity to try and increase my audio quality, and i just want to sit down and do a nice Lets Play series, and Max Payne 3 may just be a good idea.

However Skyrim is massively tempting, no ones being nice enough to leave feedback.
So let me know, should i get Skyrim or Max Payne 3?
Skyrim will clearly have more replay value however i do own it on PC, this however has its limits as i cant actually record it consistently, and i have to play it on Low Quality for it to run smoothly.

What should i do?
Max Payne 3 may be fun and get me a lot of views and last a short while.
Skyrim will also be fun i guess, might get a few views & lasts a lot longer.

Such a hard choice, help me out.

Legen... wait for it.. dary.

My Neighbour Totoro meets Pokemon

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Friday, 25 May 2012

Social Networking and Engineering

Im going to start putting a lot of work into my blog and getting it out there.
I want to draw an audience here aswell as to my YouTube channel

Its going to take a lot of effort but with a use of Social Engineering and having a bit of know how.
I think i may be able to pull it off.

Anyone willing to support me grow by either following my blog or subscribing to my YouTube channel and staying an active subscriber/follower by commenting regulary is forever loved by me.

Im gonna be a lot of work into content on my YouTube channel but hopefully itll work, so once again, go subscribe to my hub of content;

Im looking forward to receiving some report and getting out there.
Ill listen to every single piece of feedback given, so if you see ways i can improve, leave a comment on the video in question and all read them all, thanks in advance and i hope my channel grows.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Notch wins once again.

Our favourite little indie game developer, Markus 'Notch' Persson, owns someone on Twitter once again.


GTA IV Shenanigans - Episode Two

This videos been on my harddrive for a while, and after about 10 days of inactivity on my channel, i decided to upload this, i hope you enjoy.

The more support these videos actually get, the more ill upload, the self esteem boost helps :')

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Trolling at its best.

The sources '' thing made it comical.
Trolling at its finest.

Monday, 23 April 2012

GMOD Machinima Tricks - Episode 2: One Man Machinima-making Army (Garry'...

I want to start trying to produce Garrys Mod machinima.
Been a massive fan of the game and the machinima produced withi it for about 2-3 years.
I just need actors (voice and body) for Machinima, but i doubt anyone would actually be interested.

Using some tutorials scattered around YouTube to help me try and learn some tips and tricks.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Become a Broski

The link im going to try and spread over many different websites, to encourage people to become broskis.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Productive Day

Ive had quite a productive day
Two reasonably funny videos.

A pretty good Happy Wheels one, with my commentary throughout.
And a short little GTA IV video i did with Arran when we were recording for the Nonsensical Shenanigans upcoming series.

Friday, 6 April 2012

PewdiePie - esk Happy Wheels video

Changed the style of my Happy Wheels videos, doing a more Pewdie-Pie type thing.
Jump cuts and not much thought going in decisions on levels..  Enjoyed filming and editing this ;)

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Happy Wheels

So i figured out how to record Happy Wheels with FRAPS, so yeah, i made a little video today.
Might start doing more of these, it all depends if you guys like them?

They are easy to record and this means i can do them regularly.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

No Internet

I currently dont have internet at home guys ;(
Hopefully its back soon but yeah, im at College.
And im blogging.. Hmm...  Yeah, ill be back soon :P

Sunday, 18 March 2012


Out of this list of video ideas i posted onto my blog recently, this is the first idea i planned on actually putting into realisation, well, here it is:

I will probably do more when i get stuck for video ideas, its a pretty open idea, so im free to really recreate it how i wish.

I may also mix these in if arran successfully gets the game and we play through it and i upload all that too.

If he does, you may be seeing A HELLA LOT OF LBP2, if not, probably not too much, just the occasional LittleBigShow video every now and again.

The Internet: The Power of Social Networking

Social Networking.
One of the main triumphs of the internet, and by social networking, i dont mean 'Oh my god, lets talk about everyone behind there backs on facebook', yes, Facebook is a prestigious Social Network and has a lot of power, but it is really just ruined by the many prepubescent retards that use that site.

Social Network, the word itself, does sort of surround itself with bad publicity, not as in, BAD, but i mean, its stereotyped as bad, websites like Facebook, and beforehand, Bebo and Myspace, were stereotyped to be full of silly twofaced children, and most adults on these websites are as bad, but Social Networking is an amazingly powerful tool if you seek out the sensible people, or the blindingly hopeless people that just follow trends.

Recent evidence of this power of social networking is Invisible Children and the Kony 2012 thing.
This spiraled out of control, and very rapidly into being viral, due to the help of Social Networks.
Now if websites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google Plus didnt exist, there is no way this charity would have got as much publicity as they did.

Twitter is a very powerful tool, you can spiral the world out of control in under 140 characters.
Some people have broken there careers due to this micro blogging beauty, and it is amazingly powerful.
Practically every celebrity alive has a Twitter account that they regularly use, as its easy to keep in touch with fans via the website.

Tumblr is also another powerful tool for getting things viral, obviously, very similar to Twitter in the way that you can reach out to a niche of people, with the removal of the limit of these 140 characters, but with a much smaller audience.

Twitter is usually the expressions of short and snappy and precise wordplay.
Tumblr is usually more of the visual attractiveness that gets things viral, typography is a powerful tool.

Another website that i could never fault is Reddit, this website is incredibly active and seem to have a massive impact on the internet, the power that the Redditors have throughout the internet is immense, and they alone have the power to completely make and break peoples careers.

There are obviously a few websites that are quite infamous, such as 4chan, that have literally destroyed peoples lives with their power, but i cant fault them, most the people they cause mayhem with deserve it, aswell as bringing a smile to our faces with the many meme's they have created on their boards.

Aswell as the Bronie subculture that has derived from their website, they arent all bad, even if they are actually quite feared throughout the internet.

Then their are websites that dedicate themselves to brightening our day, that are also incredibly powerful and can make things viral, websites like FunnyJunk and, dear i say it.. 9GAG.

The internet is a scary and interesting place, just behave yourself and dont act too retarded.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Upcoming Video Ideas

Well, ive brainstormed a few video ideas i can do, so ill devise these when i can.

Ok firstly, more Fallout 3, clearly, as the second episode, PROBABLY MAINLY DUE TO THE MENTION OF 'HENTAI', got 1000 views, which is crazy.
But, yeah, i definitely want to do more of that.

If if i ever get topics, ill go on Call of Duty 4 and do a commentary.
I dont think Battlefield 3 works well for Commentaries, im not sure, i can try it.

I also want to start playing some Minecraft, which is likely to be a Hardcore Lets Play, ill probably last 3 episodes, i have no idea.

I also want to try and record me and Arran playing through the story of LittleBigPlanet 2, aswell as perhaps us playing on Skywind on Minecraft.

I may also do some Solo things on LittleBigPlanet, called LittleBigShow, where i basically just do something similar to what people are doing with Happy Wheels, i just play through player created levels.

Solo LittleBigPlanet stuff to be named: LittleBigShow
Me and Arran playing on the Skywind server to be named: The Skywind Chronicles

These are just ideas, it'd be nice if you guys could help me out with thinking of Commentary ideas so i can upload my thoughts on stuff, aswell as other things via BF3/COD4 gameplay.

Obviously all these ideas will be poured into one place:

And i may also start publishing any videos i upload after this post, to my blog also.

The Midnight Beast

Ive known of these guys since their first debut video onto YouTube, the Tik Tok parody.

One of their recent releases, a Harry Potter related one.
You can see from their videos how long they've come along, and for them to become really quite well known, playing at festivals etc. Their style is horribly random and they are amazingly original, i mean, how often do you see acts dancing in Onesies at T4 on the Beach? ;D

Purchased LBP2

Just purchased LittleBigPlanet 2, hopefully i record it and it works well..

QI - Triple point of Water

I'd pretty much do the same thing as the guy that Dara mocks.

QI - Useless Interesting Knowledge

Just browsing through the web, as i do, and stumbled upon this clip from QI where Stephen Fry learns you something you probably didnt know before hand, and even though it may be useless information, its still pretty handy to know, i guess..

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Call of Duty 4

Just decided to put up a Call of Duty 4 video for the nostalgia feel.  Purchased this yesterday due to boredom and wanting something to do, its still a fun game, shame it wont get many views, but its still a personal favourite.

Sunday, 11 March 2012


Im refiring up my kushnwizdom-esk / staypozitive-esk tumblr page.

It got quite popular when i started it up, but im bored atm so im gonna pop a few images on and make sure everything i upload gets a direct link here.

Please leave your opinions on my blog and if i should carry it on.


Im annoyed with myself that ive lost grasp of my YouTube priority, but its been replaced with something much more important to me.

I will make videos when i feel like/have time, its not like i have many items..

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Thoughts On

Guys, i touched on this idea briefly on my recent tweets, not like many people pay attention but still.
Im going to be launching a Thoughts On series, and i have several reasons for this.

There seems to be a lack of opinionative videos out there and instead are bias to please their fanbase.
I have nothing against pleading them but im not changing my views to please other people ;D

So im going to be starting a Thoughts On series, its a mixture between a review and personal opinion on games.
Ill be either playing games ive already played through, or ill be playing demos available on the Steam/Playstation Store and ill give my first impressions.

Hopefully this brings out my communities opinions in the comments second.

The Thoughts On series are going to be short snappy videos, hopefully informative, opinionative and every episode will be uploaded here, as i want to start getting traffic to my blog.

I hope you stay tuned in for the series

The channel it'll be uploaded to:

Friday, 24 February 2012


Havent laughed at a rage comic in a long time.
They are massively repetitive, but, this one just got me.
I have no idea what it quotes, but i just broke down in tears.

If anyone could tell me what this quotes, if you found this funny.
Comment below, ahaha.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Tips for Commentators and New YouTubers

I have no problem with helping other people off their feet with YouTube, so sure, ill give you some tips, best of luck.

1) Try and ensure the best quality
This means video quality AND audio quality
Audio quality is a lot more important than you think.
Dont be afraid to splash out on a better mic for crisp commentary

2) Be original
Try and get a piece of paper or open MSPaint and Mindmap
Try and get creative with your friends,
No one wants to see copies of the same thing 100 times, for example, Road to Commander series.

3) Be energetic
Have a coffee or a chocolate bar before recording

4) Commentary
Get a decent mic.    
Low price: Microsoft LX3000 Headset (£30)
Middle Price: Turtlebeach or Astro Headset
High Price: Blue Yeti or a Consender Mic

If your going to go for the high price ones, if your rich or something, id suggest splashing out on a pop filter and an arm for it too, so it holds it away from your face aswell as holds the pop filter in place.

Make sure you have a sip/glass of water before recording so your throat is clear and not groggy

Have a vague idea on what topics your gonna mention and base the commentary on,  no need for a script, i never do that, i just have 3 vague ideas and then mumble about them..  It seems to work, no? ;D

5) Network
Interact with the community, Checking out my channel/channel comments is a good way to find out whos active in the community. Also, it depends what community your in

FPS guys need to go to these channel's channel comments and then branch off to people who've posted from there;

RPG guys should go here:

Anyone else should just go here, meaning, non-gamers;

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Networking and Social Interaction

Social interaction is one of the most important things known to mankind.
This is no different via the internet, if you want to successfully 'get out there', you're going to have to network.
You have to branch yourself out, like a giant tree, with loads of different offtrails, spreading to unrecognised locations.

If you want to be successful at anything on the internet, a good tip is to involve yourself into communities.
I will once again, use my YouTube channel as an example.
I am signed up for basically every social network imagineable, im also a member of 2-3 forums.
I try and aim for well populated places, which are, of course, on topic for the niche i try to fufill.

Im signed up for a Call of Duty-based forum and the Official Minecraft Forums which are now owned by Curse.  These are brilliant places for me to branch off into, and everywhere i post on the internet, usually refers back to my hub, which is my YouTube channel.    Every website im signed up for has a link to them.

My twitter, tumblr, facebook,, bebo, myspace, foursquare, flickr, imgur, photobucket and all the forums im signed up for, are linked together and all refer back to my YouTube channel.

This is a clever idea, because it means you direct traffic to that main hub of origin, if all your profiles are linked to it.  Image signatures that have click-through links are amazingly powerful tools for forums.

Meaning you can post in approximately 50 popular forum threads, and if your signature is eyecatching, could catch the attention of all future traffic to that thread, now for example, on average, Minecraft Forum threads get amazingly popular, therefore, say i post in a recently released mod thread, and i get one of the first posts, and i have my signature there, below my post, it could be seen to around 10,000 people, which is amazing.

Social networks are powerful tools, so use them to your advantage.
The only real social network i use for its real purpose is Twitter, as its easy and effective, and its there to update people on the hub, that is, my YouTube channel.

I wish you all success and i hope you enjoyed the post.
Look forward to more.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Back to Basics

So Me and Arran are back to doing a Lets Play series together.
Might be a regulary updated one on my channel.

The videos i used to make with Arran were probably the ones i learnt how to make videos with.
The times we had on moarcast, and yeah, now ive learned new things, and are still learning, the videos have improved.

So hopefully, you guys enjoy it.
Thanks audience.  All feedback is appreciated.

Mailing List 

I have set up my own mailing list, so you guys can keep regulary updated.
So if you guys want to keep up to date with my stuff, please sign up for it.

No spam and no viruses, if anyones afraid of either of those.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

A Creative Outlet

Creative Outlets.
Most of us have some sort of outlet for our creativity, if that be art or sound or something along those lines.
I find that my creative outlet is YouTube, thats why, even though, i see it as my job, i enjoy doing it.
I of course, arent actually employed yet, but of course, thats an aspiration of mine, to eventually become employed by YouTube.

I have a lot of fun creating a lot of videos, i just love producing media and hearing feedback on how people enjoy it. It just fascinates me, its something i love to do. 

I also have the problem of explaining my hobby to people that dont understand as well, seeing it as a waste of time. I dont exactly think anyone has the right to call my creative outlet 'A waste of time', i mean, what would happen if that wasnt there for me to do? Id sit here, being uncreative, and rotting..  

Perhaps spending more time doing coursework, but what would be the point in the long run?
Id be doing coursework to improve my chance of obvious getting a good grade in my college work, where im studying for a Diploma in IT and Media, now, if i didnt have the good old 'creativity' firing up again and again, i wouldnt put that media diploma to much use, as im looking to become something along the lines of a Game Designer/Programmer, now that wouldnt be possible without creativity, creativity in that job is probably more important than the qualifications.

I have fun with what i do.  Which means im doing it right, and that i should keep on doing it.
You should all see eye-to-eye with what im saying, as our creative outlets should all be kept close to us.
And dont let anyone dishearten you.  Keep being creative.