Thursday, 14 June 2012


I currently have a network in development.
We'll be a network producing online video entertainment.

The main channel has been made and is currently being organised and having things sorted out to be uploaded, we are aiming to be organised, so it takes a lot of planning.  I also need to jot up a paragraph to send to potential directors, i have no idea what to write.

We have also hit 1000 hits on my blog today, so thats just awesome.

First sister channel in our network is WarpedNightcore.

Spent the day producing several nightcore videos to upload to that channel.
They are easily produced and its an interesting genre of music to contribute too.

The main channel will soon beginning to be organised, im also going to be setting up a separate channel for clips with short snappy commentary on, which will be presented in a similar style in the many Top 10 shots of the week shows, this'll comprise of very short videos, maybe sometimes merging 2-3 shots together in one video, as they are easily done in about the time span of 20 seconds, we'll do a similar thing to MrsBlackOps does i suppose.

Our official channel will include gaming news, our networks shows, which'll be quite a variety of Lets Play series and Walkthroughs, as well as Graphics/Gaming tutorials, and will also have Commentaries on from games like Battlefield 3 and the Call of Duty series.

James is also considering travelling quite a distance to go to a gaming convention in Brighton to try and get some coverage on a few things to provide to the network, if that happens, that would be so awesome.

Anyway, I, Greg will get to work tomorrow on providing some content to my own channel and potentially working on some documentation for the network tomorrow so we can get hiring with the directors.

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